Source code for processors.serialization

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .ds import Document
from .odin import Mention
import json

[docs]class JSONSerializer(object): """ Utilities for serialization/deserialization of data structures. """ @staticmethod def mentions_to_JSON_dict(mentions): jdict = dict() docs = {m._doc_id:m.document.to_JSON_dict() for m in mentions} mns = { for m in mentions} jdict["documents"] = docs jdict["mentions"] = mns return jdict @staticmethod def mentions_to_JSON(mentions): """ Serializes a list of `processors.odin.Mention` to a JSON string. Parameters ---------- mentions : [processors.odin.Mention] A list of `processors.odin.Mention` to be serialized to JSON. Returns ------- str A JSON serialization (str) of a list of `processors.odin.Mention`. """ return json.dumps(JSONSerializer.mentions_to_JSON_dict(mentions), sort_keys=True, indent=4) @staticmethod def mentions_from_JSON(jdict): """ Loads `processors.odin.Mention` from a dictionary of JSON data (`jdict`). Parameters ---------- jdict : dict A dictionary of JSON data encoding a list of `Mention`s and their corresponding `Document`s. Returns ------- [processors.odin.Mention] A list of `processors.odin.Mention` """ # build map of documents docs_dict = {doc_id:Document.load_from_JSON(djson) for (doc_id, djson) in jdict["documents"].items()} # deserialize mentions mns_json = jdict["mentions"] mentions = [] for mjson in mns_json: m = Mention.load_from_JSON(mjson, docs_dict) mentions.append(m) return mentions