
This page provides an overview of the available text processing pipelines.

Annotating text

a .annotate call produces a Document with the following features:

  • sentence segmentation
  • tokenization
  • part-of-speech tagging
  • lemmatization
  • named entity recognition
  • syntactic dependency parsing

Annotation suitable to open domain text can be performed with either a .annotate or a .fastnlp.annotate call:

API = ProcessorsAPI(port=8886)
# annotate the provided text using FastNLPProcessor (a CoreNLP wrapper)
doc = API.fastnlp.annotate("My name is Inigo Montoya.  You killed my father.  Prepare to die.")

For annotation tuned to the biomedical domain, use .bionlp.annotate:

API = ProcessorsAPI(port=8886)
doc = API.bionlp.annotate("In contrast, the EGFR T669A mutant increased both basal EGFR and ERBB3 tyrosine phosphorylation that was not augmented by MEK inhibition.")

API Reference

See the API reference for more details.