Source code for processors.api

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
#from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from .utils import *
from .annotators import *
from .sentiment import SentimentAnalysisAPI
from .serialization import JSONSerializer
import os
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
import requests
import re
import time
import sys
import logging
import warnings

[docs]class ProcessorsBaseAPI(object): """ Manages a connection with processors-server and provides an interface to the API. Parameters ---------- port : int The port the server is running on or should be started on. Default is 8886. hostname : str The host name to use for the server. Default is "localhost". log_file: str The path for the log file. Default is py-processors.log in the user's home directory. Methods ------- annotate(text) Produces a Document from the provided `text` using the default processor. clu.annotate(text) Produces a Document from the provided `text` using CluProcessor. fastnlp.annotate(text) Produces a Document from the provided `text` using FastNLPProcessor. bionlp.annotate(text) Produces a Document from the provided `text` using BioNLPProcessor. annotate_from_sentences(sentences) Produces a Document from `sentences` (a list of text split into sentences). Uses the default processor. fastnlp.annotate_from_sentences(sentences) Produces a Document from `sentences` (a list of text split into sentences). Uses FastNLPProcessor. bionlp.annotate_from_sentences(sentences) Produces a Document from `sentences` (a list of text split into sentences). Uses BioNLPProcessor. corenlp.sentiment.score_sentence(sentence) Produces a sentiment score for the provided `sentence` (an instance of Sentence). corenlp.sentiment.score_document(doc) Produces sentiment scores for the provided `doc` (an instance of Document). One score is produced for each sentence. corenlp.sentiment.score_segmented_text(sentences) Produces sentiment scores for the provided `sentences` (a list of text segmented into sentences). One score is produced for item in `sentences`. odin.extract_from_text(text, rules) Produces a list of Mentions for matches of the provided `rules` on the `text`. `rules` can be a string of Odin rules, or a url ending in `.yml` or `.yaml`. odin.extract_from_document(doc, rules) Produces a list of Mentions for matches of the provided `rules` on the `doc` (an instance of Document). `rules` can be a string of Odin rules, or a url ending in .yml or yaml. """ PORT = 8888 HOST = "localhost" LOG = full_path(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "py-processors.log")) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.hostname = kwargs.get("hostname", ProcessorsBaseAPI.HOST) self.port = kwargs.get("port", ProcessorsBaseAPI.PORT) self.make_address(self.hostname, self.port) # processors self.default = Processor(self.address) self.clu = CluProcessor(self.address) self.fastnlp = FastNLPProcessor(self.address) self.bionlp = BioNLPProcessor(self.address) # sentiment self.sentiment = SentimentAnalysisAPI(self.address) # odin self.odin = OdinAPI(self.address) #openie self.openie = OpenIEAPI(self.address) # use the os module's devnull for compatibility with python 2.7 #self.DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb') self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.log_file = self._prepare_log_file(kwargs.get("log_file", ProcessorsAPI.LOG)) def make_address(self, hostname, port): # update hostname self.hostname = hostname # update port self.port = port # update address self.address = "http://{}:{}".format(self.hostname, self.port) def _prepare_log_file(self, lf): """ Configure logger and return file path for logging """ # log_file log_file = ProcessorsAPI.LOG if not lf else os.path.expanduser(lf) # configure logger self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # create console handler and set level to info handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) # create debug file handler and set level to debug handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, "w") handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname)s - %(message)s") handler.setFormatter(formatter) self.logger.addHandler(handler) return log_file def annotate(self, text): """ Uses default processor (CoreNLP) to annotate text. Included for backwards compatibility. """ return self.default.annotate(text) def annotate_from_sentences(self, sentences): """ Uses default processor (CoreNLP) to annotate a list of segmented sentences. """ return self.default.annotate_from_sentences(sentences) def is_running(self): return True if self.annotate("Blah") else False def _check_server_version(self): """ Checks server version to see if it meets the recommendations """ # avoid circular imports by delaying this import from .__init__ import __ps_rec__ try: service_address = "{}/version".format(self.address) server_version = post_json(service_address, None)["version"] if str(__ps_rec__) != str(server_version): warnings.warn("Recommended server version is {}, but server version is {}".format(__ps_rec__, server_version)) else:"Server version meets recommendations (v{})".format(__ps_rec__)) except Exception as e: warnings.warn("Unable to determine server version. Recommended version is {}".format(__ps_rec__))
[docs]class ProcessorsAPI(ProcessorsBaseAPI): """ Manages a connection with the processors-server jar and provides an interface to the API. Parameters ---------- timeout : int The number of seconds to wait for the server to initialize. Default is 120. jvm_mem : str The maximum amount of memory to allocate to the JVM for the server. Default is "-Xmx3G". jar_path : str The path to the processors-server jar. Default is the jar installed with the package. kee_alive : bool Whether or not to keep the server running when ProcessorsAPI instance goes out of scope. Default is false (server is shut down). log_file: str The path for the log file. Default is py-processors.log in the user's home directory. Methods ------- start_server(jar_path, **kwargs) Starts the server using the provided `jar_path`. Optionally takes hostname, port, jvm_mem, and timeout. stop_server() Attempts to stop the server running at self.address. """ PROC_VAR = 'PROCESSORS_SERVER' TIMEOUT = 120 # save to lib loc DEFAULT_JAR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "processors-server.jar") JVM_MEM = "-Xmx3G" #print(resource_filename(__name__, "processors-server.jar")) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ProcessorsAPI, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", ProcessorsAPI.TIMEOUT) self.jvm_mem = kwargs.get("jvm_mem", ProcessorsAPI.JVM_MEM) self._start_command = "java {mem} -cp {jp} NLPServer --port {port} --host {host}" # mem, jar path, port, host # whether or not to stop the server when the object is destroyed self.keep_alive = kwargs.get("keep_alive", False) # how long to wait between requests self.wait_time = 2 # set self.jar_path self.jar_path = ProcessorsAPI.DEFAULT_JAR self._resolve_jar_path(kwargs.get("jar_path", self.jar_path)) # attempt to establish connection with server self.establish_connection() def establish_connection(self): """ Attempt to connect to a server (assumes server is running) """ if self.is_running():"Connection with server established!") self._check_server_version() else: try: # resolve jar path if server is not already running self._resolve_jar_path(self.jar_path) # Attempt to start the server self._start_server() except Exception as e: self.logger.warn("Unable to start server. Please start the server manually with .start_server(jar_path=\"path/to/processors-server.jar\")") self.logger.warn("\n{}".format(e)) def _resolve_jar_path(self, jar_path=None): """ Attempts to preferentially set value of self.jar_path """ jar_path = jar_path or ProcessorsAPI.DEFAULT_JAR # Preference 1: if a .jar is given, check to see if the path is valid if jar_path: jp = full_path(jar_path) # check if path is valid if os.path.exists(jp): self.jar_path = jp # Preference 2: if a PROCESSORS_SERVER environment variable is defined, check its validity if not os.path.exists(self.jar_path) and ProcessorsAPI.PROC_VAR in os.environ:"Using path given via ${}".format(ProcessorsAPI.PROC_VAR)) jp = full_path(os.environ[ProcessorsAPI.PROC_VAR]) # check if path is valid if os.path.exists(jp): self.jar_path = jp else: self.jar_path = None self.logger.warn("WARNING: {0} path is invalid. \nPlease verify this entry in your environment:\n\texport {0}=/path/to/processors-server.jar".format(ProcessorsAPI.PROC_VAR)) # Preference 3: attempt to use the processors-sever.jar (download if not found) # check if jar exists if not self.jar_path or not os.path.exists(self.jar_path):"No jar found. Downloading to {} ...".format(ProcessorsAPI.DEFAULT_JAR)) ProcessorsAPI._download_jar() self.jar_path = ProcessorsAPI.DEFAULT_JAR def start_server(self, jar_path, **kwargs): """ Starts processors-sever.jar """ self.port = kwargs.get("port", self.port) self.hostname = kwargs.get("hostname", self.hostname) self.jvm_mem = kwargs.get("jvm_mem", self.jvm_mem) self.timeout = int(float(kwargs.get("timeout", self.jvm_mem))/2) jp = full_path(jar_path) if jp: self.jar_path = jp self._start_server() else: raise Exception("Please provide jar_path=\"path/to/processors-server.jar\"") def stop_server(self, port=None): """ Sends a poison pill to the server and waits for shutdown response """ port = port or self.port address = "http://{}:{}".format(self.hostname, port) shutdown_address = "{}/shutdown".format(address) # attempt shutdown try: response = if response: print(response.content.decode("utf-8")) return True # will fail if the server is already down except Exception as e: pass return False def _ensure_jar_path_exists(self): # check if jar exists if not os.path.exists(self.jar_path): raise Exception("jar not found at {}".format(self.jar_path)) def _start_server(self, port=None): """ "Private" method called by start_server() """ # does the jar exist? self._ensure_jar_path_exists() if port: self.port = port # build the command cmd = self._start_command.format(mem=self.jvm_mem, jp=self.jar_path, port=self.port, host=self.hostname) self._process = sp.Popen(shlex.split(cmd), shell=False, stderr=open(self.log_file, 'wb'), stdout=open(self.log_file, 'wb'), universal_newlines=True)"Starting processors-server ({}) ...".format(cmd)) print("\nWaiting for server...") progressbar_length = int(self.timeout/self.wait_time) for i in range(progressbar_length): try: success = self.annotate("blah") if success: print("\n\nConnection with processors-server established ({})".format(self.address)) return True sys.stdout.write("\r[{:{}}]".format('='*i, progressbar_length)) time.sleep(self.wait_time) except Exception as e: raise(e) # if the server still hasn't started, raise an Exception raise Exception("Couldn't connect to processors-server. Is the port in use?") @staticmethod def _download_jar(jar_url=None): from .__init__ import SERVER_JAR_URL jar_url = jar_url or SERVER_JAR_URL # download processors-server.jar ppjar = ProcessorsAPI.DEFAULT_JAR dl = 0 print("Downloading {} from {} ...".format(ppjar, jar_url)) response = requests.get(jar_url, stream=True, headers={'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.95 Safari/537.36'}) total_length = int(response.headers.get('content-length')) with open(ppjar, "wb") as handle: for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=2048): # do we know the total file size? if total_length: percent_complete = int(100 * float(dl) / float(total_length)) if percent_complete % 5 == 0: sys.stdout.write("\r{}% complete".format(percent_complete)) sys.stdout.flush() dl += len(data) # write data to disk handle.write(data) print("\nDownload Complete! {}".format(ppjar)) def __del__(self): """ Stop server unless otherwise specified """ if not self.keep_alive: try: self.stop_server() # close our file object #self.DEVNULL.close() print("Successfully shut down processors-server!") except Exception as e: self.logger.debug(e) print("Couldn't kill processors-server. Was server started externally?")
[docs]class OdinAPI(object): """ API for performing rule-based information extraction with Odin. Parameters ---------- address : str The base address for the API (i.e., everything preceding `/api/..`) """ validator = re.compile("^(https?|ftp):.+?\.?ya?ml$") def __init__(self, address): self._service = "{}/api/odin/extract".format(address) def _extract(self, json_data): mns_json = post_json(self._service, json_data) if "error" in mns_json: error_msg = mns_json["error"] original_msg = json.loads(json_data) rules = original_msg.get("rules", original_msg.get("url", None)) oe = OdinError(rules=rules, message=error_msg) print(oe) return None else: return JSONSerializer.mentions_from_JSON(mns_json) @staticmethod def valid_rule_url(url): return True if OdinAPI.validator.match(url) else False def extract_from_text(self, text, rules): """ Sends text to the server with rules for information extraction (IE). Parameters ---------- text : str `rules` will be applied to this `text`. rules : str Either Odin rules provided as a `yaml` string, or a url pointing to a `yaml` file of rules. Returns ------- [processors.odin.Mention] or None Rule matches produce a list of `processors.odin.Mention`. """ if OdinAPI.valid_rule_url(rules): # this is actually a URL to a yaml file url = rules container = TextWithURL(text, url) else: container = TextWithRules(text, rules) return self._extract(container.to_JSON()) def extract_from_document(self, doc, rules): """ Sends a `processors.ds.Document` (`doc`) to the server with rules for information extraction (IE). Parameters ---------- doc : processors.ds.Document `rules` will be applied to this `processors.ds.Document`. rules : str Either Odin rules provided as a `yaml` string, or a url pointing to a `yaml` file of rules. Returns ------- [processors.odin.Mention] or None Rule matches produce a list of `processors.odin.Mention`. """ if OdinAPI.valid_rule_url(rules): # this is actually a URL to a yaml file url = rules container = DocumentWithURL(doc, rules) else: container = DocumentWithRules(doc, rules) return self._extract(container.to_JSON())
[docs]class OpenIEAPI(object): def __init__(self, address): self._service = "{}/api/openie/entities/".format(address) def _extract(self, endpoint, json_data): """ """ # /api/openie/entities/??? api_endpoint = self._service + endpoint mns_json = post_json(api_endpoint, json_data) if "error" in mns_json: error_msg = mns_json["error"] print(error_msg) return None else: return JSONSerializer.mentions_from_JSON(mns_json) def extract_entities(self, ds): """ Extracts and expands Entities from a Sentence or Document """ return self._extract(endpoint="extract", json_data=json.dumps(ds.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None)) def extract_and_filter_entities(self, ds): """ Extracts, expands, and filters Entities from a Sentence or Document """ return self._extract(endpoint="extract-filter", json_data=json.dumps(ds.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None)) def extract_base_entities(self, ds): """ Extracts non-expanded Entities from a Sentence or Document """ return self._extract(endpoint="base-extract", json_data=json.dumps(ds.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None))
############################################# # Containers for Odin data # transmitted to the server for processing ############################################# class TextWithRules(object): def __init__(self, text, rules): self.text = text self.rules = rules def to_JSON_dict(self): jdict = dict() jdict["text"] = self.text jdict["rules"] = self.rules return jdict def to_JSON(self): return json.dumps(self.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None) class TextWithURL(object): def __init__(self, text, url): self.text = text # TODO: throw exception if url is invalid self.url = url def to_JSON_dict(self): jdict = dict() jdict["text"] = self.text jdict["url"] = self.url return jdict def to_JSON(self): return json.dumps(self.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None) class DocumentWithRules(object): def __init__(self, document, rules): # TODO: throw exception if isinstance(document, Document) is False self.document = document self.rules = rules def to_JSON_dict(self): jdict = dict() jdict["document"] = self.document.to_JSON_dict() jdict["rules"] = self.rules return jdict def to_JSON(self): return json.dumps(self.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None) class DocumentWithURL(object): def __init__(self, document, url): # TODO: throw exception if isinstance(document, Document) is False self.document = document # TODO: throw exception if url is invalid self.url = url def to_JSON_dict(self): jdict = dict() jdict["document"] = self.document.to_JSON_dict() jdict["url"] = self.url return jdict def to_JSON(self): return json.dumps(self.to_JSON_dict(), sort_keys=True, indent=None)